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My father's Last Letter - Kamlesh Vajpeyi (Sahitya Arpan)


My father's Last Letter

  • 116
  • 4 Min Read

'' My Father's Last Letter '' Written by Ruskin Bond.
A Reader's

'' view " Of The Book
'' My Father's Last Letter '' Written by Mr Ruskin bond.,The Great Author.

The book is Available for Sale on '' Amazon "

'' Ruskin Bond '' Is a very well known name Specially Popular among young readers.

Although he has been a very popular Author, British in origin. Settled at Mussoorie, due to his immense Love of Himalyas.

TODAY HIS 90 TH BIRTHDAY .. IS BEING CELEBRATED by his innurable Fans in India.

It is A SPECIAL DAY to be celebrated by all of us..

WE ALL Wish him A very Happy Birthday..!🎂🎂🎊🎉💐🌹🎈🌺🎈🌺🙏🙏

I have been reading books, written by Mr Ruskin bond, for many years and always Liked, them very much.

He is An English only due to his birth, in England.

Otherwise he is Perfectly Indian..having an Immense Love for India, Specially Himalayas.

He has written many books and Still keeps on writing. He is Settled at Mussoorie, for Last many years.

His childhood was spent in the Hills Of Uttarakhand, mostly near Dehra..

'' My father's Last Letter '' Is the Letter written by his father just before he left this world.

They were writing to each other frequently and this way remained in touch. His father guiding his little son, in his own way.

Both of them were very fond of each other. His father was posted at Calcutta At that time and Ruskin, studying in a School at Simla.

Later Ruskin lost all other Letters, Written by his father, When a person was entrusted for '' their Safe keeping. '' but he didn't keep his promise. And all his Valuable Letters and A Great Collection of stamps was Lost by that Reckless Person..

Kamlesh vajpeyi
