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Journey to In law's house - Sonika Gehlawat (Sahitya Arpan)

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Journey to In law's house

  • 56
  • 2 Min Read

Journey to In law's house

I got married when I'm 24 ,
Assuming myself a matured being .
I become ecstatic and miserable too.
My tuning with everyone starts honing.
Routinely life changed ,
I eases myself with the blessings of my grand.
Emotions are covering me like the black clouds ,
Sometimes in alone i shouts.
The place is splendid but things are not in a way i had ever experienced.
Then I realise I'm not matured enough,
Coping up and holding new things is not my cup of tea.
But as the time flee I learned the art of living in this new phase.
My soulmate is with me to hold my hand and explore the world so splendid.
Patience is the mantra to survive ,
And support is necessity to thrive .
I'm learning and grooming in this new environment ,
At last with the bittersweet memories i can say 6 months here were well spent.

वो चांद आज आना